
Did you know you can refer yourself to some community services without needing to see or speak to a doctor?

Muscles, Joints and Feet


If you have been experiencing pains in the joints, shoulders or back and they haven’t got better for more than 3 weeks. The website also has useful information such as exercises you can do to relieve pain and strengthen muscles.

Musculoskeletal Services (


For problems with the feet such as pain when walking, in-growing toenails, corns which do not get better despite the treatments available at the pharmacy.

NOT SUITABLE for: fungal toenails (see the chemist), nail clipping (unless you have diabetes and are unable to do this safely yourself), verruca (see chemist).

Patient Self-Referral to Podiatry Services (

Women’s Health and Sexual Health

Maternity – New Pregnancy – Antenatal

If you have found out you are pregnant then you can refer yourself to the hospital to see the midwife. Please do this as soon as you know you are pregnant.

UCLH: Your pregnancy : University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (

Whittington: Maternity Booking – Online Self Referral form (

Termination of Pregnancy

If you have decided not to continue with your pregnancy, or if you are not sure and you would like some advice, then you can refer yourself to one of the three providers below:

British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS)

National Unplanned Pregnancy Advisory Service (NUPAS)

MSI Reproductive Choices


If you would like to have a coil (copper or Mirena) or contraceptive implant fitted or removed, please call the dedicated service who can arrange this for you on 0345 300 2350.

Sexual Health Testing

If you do not have symptoms, you can request a discrete self-test delivered to your home for free. Visit:

If you are having symptoms, please contact the sexual health clinic via their website:

Mental Health

Anxiety, low mood, depression

Feeling low? Anxiety? Worried you have depression?

iCope is a free NHS service that works alongside us at the practice who can offer support and psychological treatment for these conditions.

iCope | Free Help for Stress, Anxiety, Depression and Insomnia

If you are having suicidal thoughts or are feeling like things are out of control, or it is an emergency, please call the Islington Crisis Team (24/7) on 0800 917 3333 or the Samaritans on 116 123

Other resources

NHS approved Good Thinking website for problems with sleep, anxiety, low mood and stress

Good Thinking – NHS approved wellbeing service | Good Thinking (

General Health and Minor Health Issues (such as hay fever)

Weight loss and support getting healthy

MoreLife is a FREE 12-week weight management programme.

You can refer yourself to MoreLife or find out more for FREE at:

Stopping smoking

Stopping smoking can be really hard and we know that the chances of success are far higher when you have structured, expert support. This is all available for free. You can also contact a local pharmacy who may offer the service.

Self-care Pharmacy First

Self-care Pharmacy First is pilot scheme seeking to provide better access to care for minor conditions such as earache, headlice, fever/headache.

For more information about the scheme, please click on the link below:

Self-Care Pharmacy First Leaflet


Please see the website for the conditions they will see.

Patient Self-Referral to Nutrition and Dietetic Service (

Money, Housing, Work, Life… Need help?

We are Islington

Contact We are Islington for support getting food or medicine, or if you are struggling financially due to the pandemic. Residents can also call for a friendly chat, support to leave their home, and information about online group activities and staying healthy and well.

Need help | Islington Council

Support getting back into or finding work

Islington’s iWork service offers help to anyone who is out of work in Islington to find a job, apprenticeship, training or education.

Support finding work | Islington Council

Feeling isolated, problems at home, wanting to feel more connected

Help on Your Doorstep aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Islington, especially those who are vulnerable and isolated. Working with residents we seek to find solutions to the issues which make life difficult, strengthen communities to do more for themselves and enable people to improve their life chances.

Help on Your Doorstep